Preferred Options November 2021

Search representations

Results for Stafford Borough Council search

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Preferred Options November 2021

Question 5

Representation ID: 972

Received: 01/02/2022

Respondent: Stafford Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Supports preferred option of meeting local housing need plus 4,000 new homes towards the Black Country shortfall as the most appropriate approach, noting the West Midlands Green Belt and need to minimise infrastructure implications for neighbouring areas. Also consider preferred approach appropriate in terms of addressing the employment land provision. Supports the balance of development across Tier 1-3 villages based on access to services.

Nevertheless, significant concerns are raised regarding the urban extension South of Stafford. This does not appear consistent with Strategic Objective 2 as it is not a sustainable approach to meeting Birmingham's housing needs and there are other more sustainable sites in South Staffordshire/adjacent to the Black Country. The site has not demonstrated it would provide appropriate infrastructure to mitigate its impact on roads, schools and leisure in Stafford.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 6

Representation ID: 973

Received: 01/02/2022

Respondent: Stafford Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Note that the new settlement area of search was considered less sustainable than other areas of search for strategic development in the GBHMA Strategic Growth Study 2018. Would request the Council is kept informed on progress on this front.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 1

Representation ID: 974

Received: 01/02/2022

Respondent: Stafford Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Habitat Regulation Assessment of future housing growth will need to address Cannock Chase SAC mitigation measures and implications for the Cannock Chase AONB. The Borough will continue to work alongside South Staffordshire through the Cannock Chase SAC Partnership.

The Borough Council would welcome the opportunity to enter into a Duty to Co-operate Statement with South Staffordshire District Council as part of preparing the new Local Plan to support delivery of housing and employment requirements in the context of the wider area.

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