Preferred Options November 2021
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Preferred Options November 2021
Question 1
Representation ID: 899
Received: 28/01/2022
Respondent: Birmingham City Council
Indicates that latest housing shortfall up to 2031 across GBHMA is 6,302 homes. Emerging Black Country Plan identifies 28,239 home shortfall also, impacting on housing shortfalls experienced across the HMA up to and beyond 2031. Shortfalls partially examined through GBHMA Strategic Growth Study 2018 but the City Council views this as needing to be updated to identify further solutions to strategic housing shortfalls. Birmingham Development Plan is underway and is likely to conclude there are significant housing shortfalls up to 2042. South Staffordshire have been a proactive participant in HMA discussions and the City Council welcomes the 4,000 dwelling contribution to unmet needs.
The West Midlands Interchange and other strategic employment sites are closely related to Birmingham and the Black Country. Birmingham's emerging HEDNA indicate challenges in meeting the city's employment land needs. The role of these sites should be captured in a Statement of Common Ground with Birmingham.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 6
Representation ID: 900
Received: 28/01/2022
Respondent: Birmingham City Council
Birmingham supports the long-term aspiration to explore a new settlement in the District to inform options for future plan-making. A revised and updated Strategic Growth Strategy for the whole GBBCHMA would assist in clarifying if this was a viable option.