Preferred Options November 2021

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Preferred Options November 2021

Question 1

Representation ID: 1045

Received: 08/02/2022

Respondent: Staffordshire County Council

Representation Summary:

P2; Include District Integrated transport Strategy, Brinsford Parkway Station Strategic Outline Business Case, Staffordshire Freight Strategy 2019 and Transport Impacts 2022 (yet to be completed) in evidence base
P3-6: Provides an updated summary of Site Accessibility, Connectivity and Potential Highways Impact evidence provided for the District Council through the consultation response.
P39: Provides a ‘South Staffordshire Heath Needs Outcomes’ document to assist in ensuring key health issues are captured and evidenced.
P46: Indicates plan should have considered ‘Spatial Planning for Health: Evidence Review’
P49: Specialist Housing policy should be supported by July 2021 govt. National Disability Strategy, National strategiy for autistic children, young people and adults & Supported housing: national statement of expectations.
P50: The evidence base for natural environment is appropriate
P51: Support the Historic Environment Site Assessment, which has been developed in consultation with Historic England and the Historic Environment Team


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 2

Representation ID: 1046

Received: 08/02/2022

Respondent: Staffordshire County Council

Representation Summary:

P32: Provides background on school structure in South Staffordshire, indicating that the Education Authority currently believes schools would not want to organise into mixed age teaching. Provide information on minimum school costs, land takes and indicative triggers for new school provision.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 3

Representation ID: 1047

Received: 08/02/2022

Respondent: Staffordshire County Council

Representation Summary:

-P1: Vision for the plan makes no reference to climate change adaptation and mitigation
-P2: Table 4 should reflect support for new rail-based parkway at Brinsford


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 4

Representation ID: 1048

Received: 08/02/2022

Respondent: Staffordshire County Council

Representation Summary:

- P50: Policy could also consider well-designed tree and woodland planting in the Green Belt & open countryside where it fits local landscape character guidelines. Some areas close to the conurbation could make a significant contribution to settlement character. The Spatial Strategy could include an innovative Green Infrastructure policy to be considered hand-in-hand with site selection options on a strategic level, reflecting overarching issue of climate change, habitat loss and replacement. Precedents include multifunctional approach taken to Forest of Mercia and National Forest. Large scale woodland creation could be delivered on historic designed parklands throughout South Staffordshire.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 5

Representation ID: 1049

Received: 08/02/2022

Respondent: Staffordshire County Council

Representation Summary:

P33 - 39 – Housing development outside of 2/3mile school walking catchments may increase strain on the public purse through provision of extra education costs, that may not be sustainable. SSDC should consider whether growth in such areas is sustainable. Detailed comments are provided setting out where likely school capacity improvements would be required to address school place capacity issues as a result of new development.
P51 – The 5 tier classification is appropriate to achieve the necessary housing and employment growth in the District. Additional landscape enhancement could offset the additional road travel resulting from expanding Tier 1 & 2 settlements. A strategic plan to enhance the setting of roads through tree and woodland planting would help to integrate new development into the changing landscape. The plan should support the significant changes the farmed landscape is likely to undergo during the plan period.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 6

Representation ID: 1050

Received: 08/02/2022

Respondent: Staffordshire County Council

Representation Summary:

- P1: Policy should provide for consideration of expanded settlements that meet the criteria in Policy DC4, not just freestanding options, to avoid limiting options.
- P3: wording should reflect the need for a range of technical studies to show how any new settlement meets objectives identified
P39: It is unlikely that existing secondary school infrastructure could accommodate a large settlement so careful consideration should be given to how any new school could be funded, delivered and sustained
- P51: Siting and design of a new settlement must fit into the local landscape character as most other settlements in the District have evolved over hundreds of years


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 7

Representation ID: 1051

Received: 08/02/2022

Respondent: Staffordshire County Council

Representation Summary:

- P5-26; Detailed summaries of evidence collected to date for strategic housing sites’ highways impact, accessibility and walking and cycling proposals
- P26- Indicates support for Policy SA1-4 sites subject to robust transport evidence base, which will be presented in the ‘Transport Impacts (with SCC) 2022’ report
- P30 The relevant proforma should show the proposed link road between Pendeford Mill Lane, Barnhurst Lane and Lane Green Road


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 8

Representation ID: 1052

Received: 08/02/2022

Respondent: Staffordshire County Council

Representation Summary:

- P2: Staffordshire County Council has undertaken work that demonstrates additional housing could be accommodated by implementing an identified junction improvement scheme and improving school transport
P26: SA5 site accesses need to refer to cyclists, not just pedestrians and vehicles
P26: Potential walking and cycling improvements to guide further assessment produced alongside development management comments. Don’t anticipate that any unsurmountable problems that would prevent allocation of these sites at this stage.
P50: 3 Sites (Site 582, 224 and 079) are adjoining Biodiversity Alert Sites and should protect/enhance these areas. Site 582 will need to consider on-site habitats (ponds and scrub/woodland)
P52: Stage 2 HESA of Site 582 should include an assessment of the significance of the site having regard to the potential Second World War gun battery within part of the site, in line with 2017 Historic England guidance.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 10

Representation ID: 1053

Received: 08/02/2022

Respondent: Staffordshire County Council

Representation Summary:

P27 – SCC was an active participant in the DCO process and agreed the necessary transport mitigation at that stage


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 11

Representation ID: 1054

Received: 08/02/2022

Respondent: Staffordshire County Council

Representation Summary:

- P49: HC4: consideration of 2 storey units and aspirational design should be considered to encourage older persons to move.
- P49: HC5: policy leans towards older persons accommodation and doesn’t address wider population needs (disabilities across all ages)
- P27: HC9 - 2018 Design Guide should be updated to reflect cycling requirements (LTN1/20)
- P27 & P48/9: HC13 & HC19 - may require Green Infrastructure SPD and Health and Wellbeing SPD to give further detail on addressing physical inactivity/obesity, providing opportunities for local food growing/allotments and to give detailed guidance on specific design interventions to benefit health.
- P27/28: EC1 – Policy needs to make mention to public transport access to employment land. HGV parking should be included as an example of necessary infrastructure in Policy EC1.
- P28/29: EC9 – Suggest Staffordshire Freight Strategy 2019 is referred to in key evidence and that options for provision of facilities for HGV parking considered and identified in the next Local Plan iteration.
- P29: EC11 – policy needs to identified Staffordshire’s Bus Service Improvement Plan, Brinsford Parkway SOBC and Integrated Transport Strategy in key evidence
- P54: NB5 – should clarify if whole District is suitable for on-shore wind subject to criteira. Should give further detail on what constitutes very special circumstances for Green Belt projects.
- P53: NB7 – support policy and reference to SuDS Handbook, which should be carried into final policy.
- P54: Additional policy is required to ensure development is catered for by gigabit-capable connectivity

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