Preferred Options November 2021

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Preferred Options November 2021

Question 2

Representation ID: 726

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Define Planning and Design Ltd (on behalf of Bloor Homes Ltd)

Representation Summary:

BHL supports the proposed infrastructure-led strategy to ensure that the correct infrastructure is brought forward alongside development sites. However, in relation to their land interests at Penkridge in particular, further clarity is required in relation to the infrastructure requirements associated with the site to ensure that the correct infrastructure will come forward as required to support the new development. The detail of the additional information that is required is set out in the full-length representations, and should be reflected in the Council's 'refreshed' Infrastructure Delivery Plan.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 4

Representation ID: 728

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Define Planning and Design Ltd (on behalf of Bloor Homes Ltd)

Representation Summary:

BHL recognises the intention of Policy DS1 and welcomes the proposed allocation of suitable non-Green Belt sites such as the strategic allocation at ‘North of Penkridge’ ahead of the release of Green Belt land; which is in accordance with the NPPF. With that said, SSC should identify additional 'safeguarded' Green Belt sites to ensure the permanence of the revised Green belt boundary.

In relation to Policy DS2, BHL notes that the NPPF does not seek to apply a blanket protection of the countryside for its own sake. Policy DS2 should, therefore, be redrafted to reflect the imperatives of the NPPF.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 5

Representation ID: 730

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Define Planning and Design Ltd (on behalf of Bloor Homes Ltd)

Representation Summary:

The broad scope of the spatial strategy is welcomed by BHL, in particular SSC’s approach to focusing significant growth at north of Penkridge, which reflects the settlement's suitability for development. However, given the economic context in the District in the upcoming plan period, SSC should incorporate an uplift above its standard method-derived LHN, which should be reflected in SSC's housing requirement. Moreover, a 20% buffer above that requirement should be incorporated in SSC's supply to provide flexibility in its housing supply and ensure that sufficient land comes forward to meet SSC's housing needs.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 6

Representation ID: 731

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Define Planning and Design Ltd (on behalf of Bloor Homes Ltd)

Representation Summary:

Whilst delivering a new settlement reflects one method of delivering long-term growth, SSC must consider the difficulties of delivering new settlements in terms of the infrastructure required, which can result in significant lead-in times. Thus, BHL believes that SSC should consider other methods of long-term growth, such as identifying safeguarded Green Belt sites in the emerging plan that would be released as required.

Moreover, should SSC advance in considering a new settlement, they must consider the relationship it has with the North of Penkridge strategic allocation; which must be considered the Council's preferred option.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 7

Representation ID: 733

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Define Planning and Design Ltd (on behalf of Bloor Homes Ltd)

Representation Summary:

BHL very much welcomes SSC’s recognition of the suitability of 'north of Penkridge' to accommodate large-scale growth, as expressed through proposed strategic allocation SA4. That reflects the site's suitability for development (as set out in the full-length representations) and indeed the submitted Masterplan for the site demonstrates the opportunity to deliver c. 1,210-1,285 dwellings within the allocation.

However, BHL are of the view that, rather than deferring design and infrastructure considerations to a site-specific SPD, it would be more appropriate to deal with those through the plan (in the form of specific policy/design requirements and a more detailed IDP).


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 11

Representation ID: 746

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Define Planning and Design Ltd (on behalf of Bloor Homes Ltd)

Representation Summary:

BHL has provided a number of comments in relation to the 'proposed direction of travel' for Development Management policies. Those comments should be taken into account to ensure that the policies, once fully drafted, are 'sound' in accordance with the NPPF.

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