Preferred Options November 2021
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Preferred Options November 2021
Question 2
Representation ID: 2002
Received: 01/12/2021
Respondent: UKPI (Featherstone) Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
No objections to the infrastructure requirements that are set out in the IDP document in connection to Featherstone. Welcome introduction of the M54 to M6 link road being delivered by Highways England which will bring significant improvements to Featherstone and the overall traffic improvements along A460 Cannock Road.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 3
Representation ID: 2003
Received: 01/12/2021
Respondent: UKPI (Featherstone) Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
No objection to the strategic objectives which are set out in Table 6 of the plan. However, not all developments will be able to meet all of the strategic objectives and that should not be found to be a criticism of the development if it remains that the proposed scheme remain sustainable and otherwise policy compliant.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 4
Representation ID: 2004
Received: 01/12/2021
Respondent: UKPI (Featherstone) Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
DS1 - Welcome the proposal for a separate GB SPD to be prepared which will take into consideration the latest updates in the NPPF published in July 2021.
In both Green Belt and open Country side it is necessary to be in accordance with National Policy however it is also necessary to acknowledge sustainability should be factored into the suitability of site for future development.
Disappointment the land off New Road/East Road, Featherstone has not been selected as a proposed allocation in the Local Plan Review and remains in the Green Belt.
Site should be allocated for residential development in the emerging plan or as a minimum released from the Green Belt and identified as safeguarded land for future development in the next Local Plan.
The Council have acknowledged a lack of land within the settlement boundaries and other brownfield sites that would be suitable to accommodate the District's own need and the wider Housing Market area.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 5
Representation ID: 2005
Received: 01/12/2021
Respondent: UKPI (Featherstone) Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
In support of the spatial strategy set out in policy DS3.
However, disappointment to see site 396 Land off New Road/East Road, Featherstone is not located within the Preferred Options consultation.
Consider Featherston to have the capacity to accommodate further development and welcome the inclusion of site 396 as a proposed allocation to accommodate housing in Featherstone.
As a minimum to consider site 396 to be identified as a safeguarding land for future development as the site is sustainable located adjacent to the development boundary of Featherstone with the potential to accommodate a significant number of dwellings alongside the necessary infrastructure and to accommodate approximately 360 dwellings as indicated by SHELAA.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 6
Representation ID: 2006
Received: 01/12/2021
Respondent: UKPI (Featherstone) Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
Proposed new settlement which will be focused around the transport corridor formed by the A449 and West Coast Mainline between Wolverhampton and Stafford. The creation of a new settlement which will need to be planned for beyond the Local Plan Review period.
Concerns into the time frames it will take to deliver a new settlements and therefore there should be the allocation of safeguarded land to cater for future development needs beyond the plan period which can be delivered at a quicker rate and offer and alternative strategy.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 7
Representation ID: 2007
Received: 01/12/2021
Respondent: UKPI (Featherstone) Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
There are no principle objections to the proposed strategic allocations however, there are concerns regarding the delivery of strategic development locations: Land at Cross Green.
There is limited information surrounding the cost and delivery of the site and in particular with the road and infrastructure.
Understanding into the fundamental element of the allocation due to the proposed link road between the A449 and ROF Featherstone and therefore there should be more details available at this stage for interested parties to consider to make an informed choice in the delivery of the site. Details such as delivery and trajectory and all the key funding for the site should be considered at this stage due to the significant size of the site and what it intends to deliver. Concerns into the site not fulfilling the intended obligations and the Council having a significant shortage of land to meet the housing need of the Local Plan period.
The capacity issue will be resolved through the delivery of the M54/M6?M6 toll link road and the development consent order for which is due to be made in 2022. This will be well within the current plan period, any policy proposing to allocate or safeguard land to the west of Featherstone might be subject to a policy that is should not come forward until the link road has been delivered.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 8
Representation ID: 2008
Received: 01/12/2021
Respondent: UKPI (Featherstone) Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
Disappointment to see site 296 has not been allocated as a residential site in the Local Plan Review.
Draft policy SA5 should include 369 or that part of it immediately to the West of Featherstone as a proposed allocation or as a minimum safeguard land due to the sustainability credentials of the site and the ability to accommodate a significant number of dwellings to meet the growing needs of both Featherstone of South Staffordshire District.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 11
Representation ID: 2009
Received: 01/12/2021
Respondent: UKPI (Featherstone) Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
HC1 - Understanding the need to provide a greater number of 2 and 3 bedroom properties however, it is also important to note that each development should be assessed on a case by case basis with the merits of each proposal taken into consideration.
There should be a level of flexibility to be applied to housing mix to ensure diversity and prevent all development looking the same and lacking any distinctiveness.
HC3 - It is important to ensure that there is a degree of flexibility and diversity for the District's ageing population to achieve the uniqueness.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 12
Representation ID: 2010
Received: 01/12/2021
Respondent: UKPI (Featherstone) Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
Policies DS1/ DS4 and SA1/SA7 represent policies which are necessary to address the strategic priorities of the area providing a stating point for any non- strategic policies there are needed as defined by NPPF.
SA1/SA4 policies should be included as strategic policies should be included as strategic policies as they are fairly detailed policies which paragraph 21 states this should not include as that should be left other non- strategic policies.