Publication Plan November 2022

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Publication Plan November 2022

Policy NB1: Protecting, enhancing and expanding natural assets

Representation ID: 4650

Received: 19/12/2022

Respondent: Woodland Trust

Representation Summary:

The local plan should
- stipulate a minimum 50m buffer for development from ancient woodland where developments exceed 10 dwellings
- protect ancient woodland sites using policy wording from the Planners' Manual for Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees
- give weight to the relevant LNRS to ensure development is not allocated in close proximity to ancient woodland
- Encourage veteran trees to be recorded on the Ancient Tree inventory and to consider locations where it might be suitable to place a Tree Preservation Order and encourage a buffer zone to go beyond minimum distances stipulated in planning advice.



Publication Plan November 2022

Policy NB2: Biodiversity

Representation ID: 4651

Received: 19/12/2022

Respondent: Woodland Trust

Representation Summary:

The plan should require developments to deliver 20% BNG and consideration should be given to the quantum of other investment sources (public and private) needed to meet these targets. The plan should require BNG units to be maintained for a minimum of 50 years, not just the 30 set out in the Environment Act, which is particularly important for woodland creation. A rich mix of habitats should be required including native woodland creation. Habitat creation funded through other mechanisms (public funds) should also be maintained in the long term.



Publication Plan November 2022


Representation ID: 4652

Received: 19/12/2022

Respondent: Woodland Trust

Representation Summary:

The local plan should give strong weight to LNRSes for development site allocation at a local level to embed avoidance of impacts. It should also inform priority locations for the provision of green infrastructure and habitat creation and enhancement through BNG.



Publication Plan November 2022

Policy HC19: Green Infrastructure

Representation ID: 4653

Received: 19/12/2022

Respondent: Woodland Trust

Representation Summary:

The plan should set standards for high-quality green infrastructure, such that everyone should be able to see three trees from their home, everyone should be no more than 300m from the nearest natural greenspace with safe and accessible routes and consideration should be given to the Woodland Trust's Access to Woodland Standard which aspires that everyone should have a small wood of at least two hectares in size within 500m of their home and a larger wood of at least 20 hectares in size within four kilometres of where they live


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