Publication Plan November 2022
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Publication Plan November 2022
Policy DS5 – The Spatial Strategy to 2039
Representation ID: 5159
Received: 21/12/2022
Respondent: Taylor Reed Homes
Agent: RCA Regeneration Ltd
In relation to the 4000-home contribution towards unmet housing needs of the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market Area, we are supportive of this. However the figure should be dis-aggregated between the Black Country and Birmingham.
We also consider that the tier 2 settlements should be subject to an increased level of allocation to reflect the reliance on 4 large strategic sites. There should be an increase in the number of smaller, less strategic allocations to deliver within the initial phase of the plan period in order to ensure the council can initially achieve and then maintain a healthy supply of housing land.
We note that there are currently no allocations for tier 4 settlements, such as for Himley. We believe that smaller allocations in a settlement such as Himley would provide much needed housing for smaller communities that are struggling with declining population and a lack of affordable housing for young people and first-time buyers. We believe that no allocations in Tier 4 settlements is a missed opportunity.
Publication Plan November 2022
Policy SA5: Housing Allocations
Representation ID: 5160
Received: 21/12/2022
Respondent: Taylor Reed Homes
Agent: RCA Regeneration Ltd
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
Land at School Road, Himley (SHELAA ref: 335a & 335b) should be proposed for allocation.The site is capable of achieving a biodiversity net gain. The site is an obvious infill plot.
The site is also referenced in the Housing Site Selection Topic paper 2022 as a supporting document to the Reg 19 consultation. The paper states the following:
“One site suggestion with capacity to accommodate residential growth has been identified within the development boundary of Himley (Site 335a). However, based on the initial views of the Highways Authority the site does not appear to have a suitable access and would also be predicted to result in unmitigable major negative effects in the Sustainability Appraisal if allocated. Therefore, on balance, the site is not proposed for a housing allocation.”
We strongly object to the highways comments, as the site can in fact achieve access via the unregistered land at Plantation Lane with capacity to support a modest infill development at the subject site.
The site’s overall concerns regarding education should take account of the Blakeley Heath Primary School, Maidensbridge Primary School and Little Learners Nursery, within 1km of the site. The site benefits from a total of 10 nearby primary, special needs and high schools in Wombourne, Swindon and Wall Heath.
If allocated as a preferred options site, its impact would be minimal and would greatly reduce pressure to develop sites on the peripheries of the village, reducing sprawl, encroachment on surrounding settlements and safeguarding the historic character of Himley. As such, the parcel could be removed without impacting on the
function of Greenbelt.
Allocation of this site would lend much needed flexibility to the delivery of housing in the new plan period