Publication Plan November 2022

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Publication Plan November 2022

Policy DS4: Development Needs

Representation ID: 5077

Received: 23/12/2023

Respondent: Living Space Housing

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Living Space consider that the policy as currently written cannot be found sound as it is not positively prepared, There is a significant shortfall in the GBBCHMA, particularly from Birmingham The Plan should be flexible enough to facilitate the delivery of sustainable development where possible due to the significant shortfall of homes within the GBBCHMA.

Policy DS4 should also explicitly state that the figure is a minimum figure. Furthermore, the Council should confirm that if unmet housing need in the GBBCHMA increases then its contribution will also proportionately increase. Additionally, the Council’s commitment to meeting unmet housing need should be set out in a Joint Statement of Common Ground with the other GBBCHMA authorities.

In meeting the requirements of the Local Plan, South Staffordshire Council should include sites such as Land at Old Hampton Lane which are capable of coming forward for housing to contribute towards the substantial shortfall. Living Space agree that the harm of releasing this parcel from the Green Belt is low and that its removal
would create a simple and more consistent boundary which would reflect the aspirations to release the
land immediately to the south in the emerging Wolverhampton Plan to deliver strategic scale development.



Publication Plan November 2022

Policy SA1 – Strategic development location: Land East of Bilbrook

Representation ID: 5078

Received: 23/12/2023

Respondent: Living Space Housing

Representation Summary:

The Council should ensure that the proposed timescales for the delivery of their larger strategic sites are realistic in light of Lichfield's Start to Finish report. The strategic allocations should also be supported by a sufficient supply of smaller sites which are readily available and deliverable to ensure the Council has a robust supply, in line with paragraph 69 of the NPPF.



Publication Plan November 2022

Policy SA2 – Strategic development location: Land at Cross Green

Representation ID: 5079

Received: 23/12/2023

Respondent: Living Space Housing

Representation Summary:

The Council should ensure that the proposed timescales for the delivery of their larger strategic sites are realistic in light of Lichfield's Start to Finish report. The strategic allocations should also be supported by a sufficient supply of smaller sites which are readily available and deliverable to ensure the Council has a robust supply, in line with paragraph 69 of the NPPF.



Publication Plan November 2022

Policy SA3 – Strategic development location: Land North of Linthouse Lane

Representation ID: 5080

Received: 23/12/2023

Respondent: Living Space Housing

Representation Summary:

The Council should ensure that the proposed timescales for the delivery of their larger strategic sites are realistic in light of Lichfield's Start to Finish report. The strategic allocations should also be supported by a sufficient supply of smaller sites which are readily available and deliverable to ensure the Council has a robust supply, in line with paragraph 69 of the NPPF.



Publication Plan November 2022

Policy SA4 – Strategic development location: Land North of Penkridge

Representation ID: 5081

Received: 23/12/2023

Respondent: Living Space Housing

Representation Summary:

The Council should ensure that the proposed timescales for the delivery of their larger strategic sites are realistic in light of Lichfield's Start to Finish report. The strategic allocations should also be supported by a sufficient supply of smaller sites which are readily available and deliverable to ensure the Council has a robust supply, in line with paragraph 69 of the NPPF.



Publication Plan November 2022

Policy SA5: Housing Allocations

Representation ID: 5082

Received: 23/12/2023

Respondent: Living Space Housing

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

The Plan should include a mix of strategic and non strategic allocations to ensure sufficient delivery of housing over the plan period, as well as creating a varied choice of housing options for current and future residents within the District. However, Living Space believe that additional sites should be identified within the Plan to ensure a robust supply. Land at Old Hampton Lane is available, deliverable and achievable for delivery of residential development within the Plan period. The site should be released from the Green Belt and included within Policy SA5 for an allocation within the Plan.
Land at Old Hampton Lane, Wolverhampton is adjacent to the existing built-up area, accessible by public transport and within walking distance of village services.


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