First Homes - Local Eligibility Criteria June 2023

Ended on the 24 July 2023

2. Local Connection & Key Workers

2.1. There is a significant need for affordable housing in South Staffordshire and feedback from local Registered Providers indicates that demand for affordable home ownership products is high across the district. In order to ensure therefore that First Homes are prioritised in the first instance to meet local need, the Council has chosen to apply the following local connection criteria:

  • Person/s whose primary place of residence:
    • is in the district of South Staffordshire and has been so for not less than three (3) out of the past five (5) years; OR
    • was in the district of South Staffordshire for not less than ten (10) out of the past twenty (20) years; OR
  • Person/s whose parents, siblings, grand-parents or adult children have their primary place of residence in the district of South Staffordshire and have done so for not less than three (3) out of the past five (5) years or for not less than ten (10) out of the past twenty (20) years; OR
  • Person/s who have their primary place of work in the district of South Staffordshire and have done so for not less than three out of the past five (5) years or for not less than ten (10) out of the past twenty (20) years

2.2. In the case of joint purchasers, only one purchaser will be required to meet the criteria set out above. The Council will require evidence to demonstrate the local connection, as set out in the separate Guidance Notes published on the Council website.

2.3. In recognition of the unique circumstances of the Armed Forces, the above local connection criteria will be disapplied for all active members of the Armed Forces, divorced/separated spouses or civil partners of current members of the Armed Forces, spouses or civil partners of a deceased member of the armed forces (if their death was wholly or partly caused by their service) and veterans within 5 years of leaving the armed forces.

2.4. In addition to the local connection criteria above, the Council will also permit key workers to purchase a First Home within the first three months of marketing, regardless of whether they meet the local connection criteria. Key workers are defined locally as public sector employees who provide services in areas including - doctors, nurses, paramedics, social care and other frontline health and social care staff, teachers, police, firefighters and military personnel, and childcare workers. Evidence will be required to demonstrate the purchaser currently works in one of these services in South Staffordshire.

2.5. As per the PPG, this local connection and key worker criteria will apply for three months from the date the property is first marketed; after which point the national eligibility criteria will apply only.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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