Preferred Options November 2021
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Preferred Options November 2021
Question 1
Representation ID: 1827
Received: 10/12/2021
Respondent: Wollaston Properties Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
In regards to the topics covered in the list of documents in Appendix A, agree to the evidence base used to inform the new Local Plan.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 2
Representation ID: 1828
Received: 10/12/2021
Respondent: Wollaston Properties Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
Reviewed the IDP and have no objections to infrastructure requirements that are set out in the document in connection to Bilbrook.
Understanding there is the requirement of a First School to serve Codsall/ Bilbrook; the delivery of a through road from Pendeford Mill Lane to Lane Green Road, Bilbrook;
Junction improvements at Wobaston Road/Overstrand Road traffic signals are the most significant which impact on Bilbrook.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 3
Representation ID: 1829
Received: 10/12/2021
Respondent: Wollaston Properties Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
No objection to the strategic objectives set out in the plan. It is important to note, not all developments will be able to meet all of the strategic objectives and that should not be found to be a criticism of the development if the proposed scheme remains sustainable and otherwise policy compliant.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 4
Representation ID: 1830
Received: 10/12/2021
Respondent: Wollaston Properties Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
Policy DS1 – Green Belt is similar to both National and the current planning policy for Green Belt.
Welcome the proposal for a separate GB SPD to be prepared which will take into consideration the latest updates in the NPPF. Acknowledge sustainability should
be factored into the suitability of sites for future development. A site located on the edge of a built-up area should be considered more favorably than a site located in a rural area.
Support the inclusion of Codsall/ Bilbrook as a tier 1 settlement due to the high sustainability of the settlement and the range of services and facilities which the
settlement has to offer.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 5
Representation ID: 1831
Received: 10/12/2021
Respondent: Wollaston Properties Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
Support the spatial strategy set out in policy DS3: The Spatial Strategy.
Bilbrook has the capacity to accommodate further development and consider the site 211: the land north of Manor House Park should be included as an allocated site or at least a safeguarded site to assist with meeting the current and future needs of Bilbrook.
As a minimum we consider site 211: the land north of Manor House Park should be identified as safeguarded land for future development.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 6
Representation ID: 1832
Received: 10/12/2021
Respondent: Wollaston Properties Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
Consider there should be increased emphasis on the safeguarding of sites on the edge of the built-up areas to cater for future development needs.
The proposed new settlement will require a significant level of investment, infrastructure and collaboration between a high number of key players/ stakeholders
including land owners. The creation of a new settlement is a momentous task and despite the new settlement being planned for beyond the Local Plan Review period
(beyond 2038), it is important to be realistic in the timeframes in which it will take to deliver a new settlement and therefore there should be the allocation of safeguarded land to cater for future development needs beyond the plan period that can be delivered at a quicker rate and offer an alternative strategy.
Site 211: the land north of Manor House Park, should at the very least be allocated as Safeguarded Land.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 7
Representation ID: 1833
Received: 10/12/2021
Respondent: Wollaston Properties Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
Understanding the land east of Bilbrook, is intended to accommodate approximately 848 dwellings, a new first school, on site retail, open space and infrastructure.
There are no principle objections to the proposed strategic allocations, however, there are concerns regarding the delivery of the site.
There is limited information surrounding the costing and delivery of the site. Details such as delivery trajectory and all the key funding strands for the site should be considered at this stage due to the significant size of the site and what it is intended to deliver. Therefore it is considered prudent and essential for the Local Plan to allocated safeguarded land that has the ability to come forward to meet the needs of the District.
Support the allocation of site 211 within the Local Plan at least as a Safeguarded site.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 8
Representation ID: 1834
Received: 10/12/2021
Respondent: Wollaston Properties Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
Disappointed to see site 211: Land north of Manor House Park has not been allocated as a residential site in the Local Plan Review.
Require further explanation based on points provided from the Site Proformas in connection to site 211.
Part of the site is located within Flood zones 2 and 3 however, the scheme has been designed to take that into consideration and avoid these zones. The site has
directed all the built development to the areas of the site which are located within flood zone 1, which is the majority of the site.
Development would consider there would scope as part of the development to ensure an improved ecological environment. The layout has been designed to ensure minimal disruptions and displacement of well established tree and shrub planting.
Local Plan Review summary fails to identify any significant constraints of the site that would prevent the site being allocated to provide an additional site in Bilbrook.
Site 211 should be allocated alongside: Site safeguarded sites 519 and 419a&b, SAD site 228 and 224 to provide additional housing in Codsall/Bilbrook as a tier 1 settlement which is intended to accommodate significant percentages of the housing growth with a plethora of services and facilities to meet the needs of current residents and support new residents.
Site 211 is not considered to have poor connectivity to economy and employment due to the site being within two miles from Owens Trading Estate, Pendeford Business Park and I54 providing job opportunities.
The site can accommodate approximately 65 dwellings in a highly sustainable location and provide extensive areas of open space that will improve the biodiversity on site but also provide the local community with improved access to areas of green space. Suggest the site has the ability to be delivered within the first 5 years of the plan period.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 11
Representation ID: 1835
Received: 10/12/2021
Respondent: Wollaston Properties Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
In regards to policy HC1: Housing mix, understanding the need to provide a greater number of 2- and 3-bedroom properties, however, it is also important to note that each
development should be assessed on a case by case basis with the merits of each proposal taken into consideration. Also, there is the requirement for the key
considerations and characteristics of the site and the area/settlement in which the development is to take place to be considered. Therefore, consider a level of flexibility should be applied to housing mix to ensure diversity and prevent all development looking the same and lacking any distinctiveness.
In support to policy HC3: introduction of 30% affordable housing which is considered an improvement on 40% as set out in the existing adopted Local Plan.
Emphasis on the increase of 2 and 3 bedroomed properties on developments throughout the District in conjunction to the requirement for a contribution to meeting the needs of the District’s ageing population in policy HC4- Homes for Older People, important to ensure that there is a level of flexibility and diversity on sites so there is individuality and uniqueness achieved.
Preferred Options November 2021
Question 12
Representation ID: 1836
Received: 10/12/2021
Respondent: Wollaston Properties Ltd
Agent: First City Limited
In agreement of policies DS1-DS4 should be strategic policies. despite any comments
we made about the detail of the policies above.