Preferred Options November 2021

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Preferred Options November 2021

Question 1

Representation ID: 794

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Land Fund Limited

Agent: Turley

Representation Summary:

Land Fund consider that the scope of the evidence base prepared to inform the emerging plan is robust and proportionate.

Work undertaken by Land Fund to inform the outline planning permission (Ref. 18/00436/OUT) for residential development on phase one of the development also considered the technical baseline of the future potential residential development on the safeguarded site which now forms a proposed allocation (Site Ref. 239). This technical baseline for the Site (Ref.239) together with the technical support for the site to the south demonstrated that the combined development can be delivered without significant mitigation requirements.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 2

Representation ID: 803

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Land Fund Limited

Agent: Turley

Representation Summary:

The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) (2021) forms an update of the IDP (2019) which Land Fund previously submitted representations on through their response to the Strategy and Infrastructure Delivery Consultation in October 2019. Please see full response above to Question 2 for a detailed review of the comments made in respect of the IDP.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 3

Representation ID: 807

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Land Fund Limited

Agent: Turley

Representation Summary:

The objectives rightly reflect the District’s need for new homes, as well as the contribution to the unmet needs of the wider Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market Area (GBBCHMA), and that new development should be focused in sustainable locations either in or around the District’s key villages, or through urban extensions. The proposed allocation of the Site would support these objectives.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 4

Representation ID: 809

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Land Fund Limited

Agent: Turley

Representation Summary:

Land Fund do not have any comments on these policies, which deal with non-strategic residential development on land remaining in the Green Belt and open countryside.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 5

Representation ID: 812

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Land Fund Limited

Agent: Turley

Representation Summary:

Land Fund support South Staffordshire’s spatial strategy to 2038 insofar as it seeks to deliver a minimum of 4,881 dwellings for the district’s own needs, plus a contribution of 4,000 dwellings towards meeting the GBBCHMA shortfall. This is appropriate and reasonable given that South Staffordshire has a clear and strong relationship with the GBHMA, with significant proportion of South Staffordshire’s residents commuting to elsewhere within the GBBCHMA (61% in total).


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 6

Representation ID: 815

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Land Fund Limited

Agent: Turley

Representation Summary:

Land Fund do not have any specific comments to make on Policy DS4, recognising that it represents a longer term aspiration to identify a New Settlement which will assist in meeting future housing need beyond the needs identified within the LPR at Policy DS3.

This approach aligns with paragraph 22 of the NPPF and represents the first steps in identifying a vision which will pave the way for plan making beyond the LPR.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 7

Representation ID: 817

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Land Fund Limited

Agent: Turley

Representation Summary:

Land Fund support the identification of strategic housing allocations within the LPR, the allocation of smaller sites such as the proposed allocation of land to the west of Wrottesley Park Road, Perton (Ref. 239), are equally as important and will make a significant contribution to the overall housing need early on in the plan period.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 8

Representation ID: 825

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Land Fund Limited

Agent: Turley

Representation Summary:

Land Fund support the proposed allocations of land to the west of Wrottesley Park Road, Perton (Ref. 239) which is proposed to be allocated for a minimum of 150 dwellings within Policy SA5. The Site provides the most sustainable and suitable site for development within Perton which is supported by the evidence base which underpins the LPR.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 11

Representation ID: 828

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Land Fund Limited

Agent: Turley

Representation Summary:

Given that these policies directly relate to the delivery of new homes (particularly HC1 – HC3), in the context of NPPF Paragraph 68 the policies should be able to respond directly to local and up to date evidence such as housing need, which changes over time in line with market demand.

Policies on housing mix and density should not be rigid, rather policies should be able to flexibility adapt and endure throughout the plan period. This will allow sites to come forward and ensure their attractiveness to house builders and home buyers.


Preferred Options November 2021

Question 12

Representation ID: 831

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Land Fund Limited

Agent: Turley

Representation Summary:

Policies DS1 – DS4 and SA1 – SA7 represent policies which are limited to those necessary to address the strategic priorities of the area providing a starting point for any non-strategic policies that are needed as defined by NPPF paragraph 21.

We trust that these representations are given due consideration in the progression of the Plan. Should you have any queries, or wish to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact [contact details redacted].

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