Publication Plan April 2024
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Publication Plan April 2024
Policy EC3: Employment and Skills
Representation ID: 6628
Received: 31/05/2024
Respondent: Cameron Homes Ltd
Agent: Evolve Planning & Design
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The requirement for an Employment and Skills Plan to be prepared for all developments of 100 or more residential units is not supported by Cameron Homes. Cameron Homes is a local housebuilder with a headquarters within 5km of South Staffordshire District and as such, already supports local employment growth.
Publication Plan April 2024
EC11: Infrastructure
Representation ID: 6629
Received: 31/05/2024
Respondent: Cameron Homes Ltd
Agent: Evolve Planning & Design
Cameron Homes supports the Council’s proposed infrastructure led strategy which seeks to focus development towards larger and better-connected settlements. It is committed to engaging with the Council and other stakeholders to explore infrastructure requirements to inform future iterations of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and the emerging proposal for Cameron Homes sites.
Publication Plan April 2024
Policy NB2: Biodiversity
Representation ID: 6630
Received: 31/05/2024
Respondent: Cameron Homes Ltd
Agent: Evolve Planning & Design
The intention of NB2 is recognised, however the Government policy and guidance already requires a 10% biodiversity net gain. Any policy should require a net gain in line with latest Government legislation, policy or guidance.
Publication Plan April 2024
Policy NB6A: Net zero new build residential development (operational energy)
Representation ID: 6631
Received: 31/05/2024
Respondent: Cameron Homes Ltd
Agent: Evolve Planning & Design
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
A locally specific sustainable construction requirement is unnecessary and without justification for deviation from the Government’s Future Homes standards to be considered through building regulations. Full details on the Climate Change Study & other Regulations detailed in paragraphs 11.1 – 11.11 of the full representation.
These policies are fundamentally unsound and should be removed.
Publication Plan April 2024
Policy SA1 – Strategic development location: Land East of Bilbrook
Representation ID: 6632
Received: 31/05/2024
Respondent: Cameron Homes Ltd
Agent: Evolve Planning & Design
Cameron Homes notes the identification of four strategic housing allocations and the included housing trajectory and considers a more detailed housing trajectory should be included to ensure the reliance on these strategic sites does not undermine the timely delivery of housing against a non-stepped trajectory.
Publication Plan April 2024
Policy SA3: Housing Allocations
Representation ID: 6633
Received: 31/05/2024
Respondent: Cameron Homes Ltd
Agent: Evolve Planning & Design
Land at School Lane, Coven - this is supported as ‘sound’ by Cameron Homes who have a current interest in this land. Details of the proposed allocation in paragraph 4.4 of the full representation.
Cameron Homes considers that the identified yield of 48 dwellings underestimates the likely capacity of the site, having regard to the proposed policies in respect of housing density and mix. The sketch layout attached at Appendix A demonstrates a scheme of approximately 60 dwellings.
Land at A449 and School Lane, Coven - details on Sustainability Appraisal, Landscape Sensitivity, impact on the historic environment, impact on flood risk and highways are detailed in paragraphs 12.7 - 12.13 of the full representation. There is an agreement in place between the landowner and Cameron Homes to facilitate development of the site and therefore the site is deliverable and immediately available.
Publication Plan April 2024
Policy SA3: Housing Allocations
Representation ID: 6634
Received: 31/05/2024
Respondent: Cameron Homes Ltd
Agent: Evolve Planning & Design
Land east of Wolverhampton Road - this is supported as ‘sound’ by Cameron Homes who have a current interest in this land. Details of the proposed allocation in paragraph 4.4 of the full representation.
Cameron Homes considers that the identified yield of 49 dwellings underestimates the likely capacity of the site, having regard to the proposed policies in respect of housing density and mix. The sketch layout attached at Appendix A demonstrates a scheme of approximately 56 dwellings.
Land east of Wolverhampton Road - details on Sustainability Appraisal, Green Belt Harm, Landscape Sensitivity, impact on the historic environment, impact on flood risk and highways are detailed in paragraphs 12.6 - 12.13 of the full representation. There is an agreement in place between the landowner and Cameron Homes to facilitate development of the site and therefore the site is deliverable and immediately available.
Publication Plan April 2024
Policy SA3: Housing Allocations
Representation ID: 6635
Received: 31/05/2024
Respondent: Cameron Homes Ltd
Agent: Evolve Planning & Design
Land at Landywood Lane - this is supported as ‘sound’ by Cameron Homes who have a current interest in this land. It appears unnecessary to include the existing SAD allocation within the proposed allocation as the majority of the site is almost complete. This seems inconsistent with the approach taken on other sites within the Plan. Details of the proposed allocation in paragraph 4.5 of the full representation.
Cameron Homes considers that the identified yield of 159 dwellings underestimates the likely capacity of the site, having regard to the proposed policies in respect of housing density and mix. The sketch layout attached at Appendix A demonstrates a scheme of approximately 177 dwellings.
Land at Landywood Lane - details on Sustainability Appraisal, Green Belt Harm, Landscape Sensitivity, impact on the historic environment, impact on flood risk, highways, impact on current land use, impact on natural environment and impact on environmental quality are detailed in paragraphs 12.7 - 12.25 of the full representation. There is an agreement in place between the landowner and Cameron Homes to facilitate development of the site and therefore the site is deliverable and immediately available.
Publication Plan April 2024
Policy NB3: Cannock Chase SAC
Representation ID: 7363
Received: 31/05/2024
Respondent: Cameron Homes Ltd
Agent: Evolve Planning & Design
Cameron Homes notes further evidence in respect of Cannock Chase SAC, including a review of mitigation measures and visitor survey. It recognises that the site is within a 15km Zone of Influence of Cannock Chase SAC.