Publication Plan April 2024

Ended on the 31 May 2024


It is vitally important that we set out a robust planning framework to enable much needed housing and employment development to come forward for our local communities in South Staffordshire. We know that our residents care about the communities in which they live and shaping our villages for future generations is a high priority.

This is the second Regulation 19 consultation we have carried out on the review of the Local Plan. This is due to the amendments made by the government late in 2023 to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). To reflect these national changes, there are now fewer Green Belt sites in the plan.

Our Local Plan is based on robust planning evidence with infrastructure at its heart. The Local Plan also has a critical role in balancing growth with protecting the natural environment, including playing a key role in mitigating the effects of climate change. Whilst there are significant challenges in meeting national requirements, and providing new homes for our local communities, we are committed to protecting the Green Belt whilst ensuing high quality development.

The Local Plan is very much member led and it sets out sites for housing and employment and pitches for our Gypsy and Traveller community. The plan covers the period from 2023 up to 2041 and aims to provide for the needs of our own residents here in South Staffordshire and identifies two strategic sites that will deliver schools and other community facilities.

We appreciate your views which have been taken on board as we develop the final plan. This revised strategy means we can build on our strong track record of providing affordable homes and jobs and will bring about new or improved local services and facilities and public open spaces.

We are clear that having an adopted Plan in place is the best way of planning positively for South Staffordshire, will help us to resist unplanned development, and will put strong policies in place to deal with planning applications across the district.

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Councillor Victoria Wilson
Cabinet Member for Business Enterprise and Community Infrastructure

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