Publication Plan April 2024
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Publication Plan April 2024
Policy SA1 – Strategic development location: Land East of Bilbrook
Representation ID: 6543
Received: 31/05/2024
Respondent: Lovell Homes
Agent: Evolve Planning & Design
Lovell Homes notes the identification of four strategic housing allocations and the included housing trajectory and considers a more detailed housing trajectory should be included to ensure the reliance on these strategic sites does not undermine the timely delivery of housing against a non-stepped trajectory.
Publication Plan April 2024
Policy SA3: Housing Allocations
Representation ID: 6544
Received: 31/05/2024
Respondent: Lovell Homes
Agent: Evolve Planning & Design
Land at Pool House Road - this is supported as ‘sound’ by Lovell Homes who have a current interest in this land. Details of the proposed allocation in paragraph 4.4 of the full representation.
Lovell Homes would question whether site 459 would be capable of delivering a minimum of 97 dwellings, as set out in the site proforma at Appendix C due to the presence of electricity pylons and associated easements. A more realistic assumption would be in the region of 65 dwellings as demonstrated through a current planning application.
Land at Pool House Road - details on Sustainability Appraisal, Green Belt Harm, Landscape Sensitivity, impact on the historic environment, impact on flood risk and highways are detailed in paragraphs 12.5 - 12.14 of the full representation. Lovell Homes owns sites 562 and 415 and has an option to purchase site 459 and therefore can facilitate development of the site. The site is deliverable and immediately available.