Publication Plan April 2024

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Publication Plan April 2024

Policy SA2 – Strategic development location: Land North of Penkridge

Representation ID: 7287

Received: 24/05/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

With regards to policies SA1 and SA2, it was agreed with South Staffordshire Council (as local highways authority) that the SATURN model prepared for the M54 – M6 link road proposal will be used to determine the trip distribution and assignment of traffic for the Local Plan sites. It was also agreed that this data be provided to the site promoters and their advisors for their use in carrying out their own technical assessments. In consultation and agreement with us, such assessments will be used to identify the need for any form of any highway mitigation works on the SRN. We understand that this is still to be determined and we look forward to hearing from you in due course.



Publication Plan April 2024

Policy SA3: Housing Allocations

Representation ID: 7288

Received: 24/05/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

At such time these sites come through the planning application process, we will need to be consulted at an early stage to ensure appropriate assessments are carried out in accordance with DfT Circular 01/2022 and the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) guidelines. This is to identify the need for, and form of any mitigation required for the SRN.
Details on these smaller sites will be required in terms of the proposed boundary treatments to the SRN including any necessary environmental mitigation, for example noise attenuation and surface water drainage to demonstrate compliance with the DfT Circular 01/2022. The formation of any new junction on the SRN will need to be compliant with the DfT Circular 01/2022 and DMRB standards. Similarly, where existing site access arrangements which interface with the SRN are identified for use, any existing non-DMRB compliant features which cannot be improved to current DMRB standards will need to be the subject of appropriate Departures from Standard and DfT Circular 01/2022.



Publication Plan April 2024

Policy SA4: Gypsy and Traveller Allocations

Representation ID: 7289

Received: 24/05/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

At such time these sites come through the planning application process, we will need to be consulted at an early stage to ensure appropriate assessments are carried out in accordance with DfT Circular 01/2022 and the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) guidelines. This is to identify the need for, and form of any mitigation required for the SRN.
Details on these smaller sites will be required in terms of the proposed boundary treatments to the SRN including any necessary environmental mitigation, for example noise attenuation and surface water drainage to demonstrate compliance with the DfT Circular 01/2022. The formation of any new junction on the SRN will need to be compliant with the DfT Circular 01/2022 and DMRB standards. Similarly, where existing site access arrangements which interface with the SRN are identified for use, any existing non-DMRB compliant features which cannot be improved to current DMRB standards will need to be the subject of appropriate Departures from Standard and DfT Circular 01/2022.



Publication Plan April 2024

EC12: Sustainable transport

Representation ID: 7291

Received: 24/05/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

National Highways welcomes the inclusion of specific policies within the Plan to address issues associated with transportation and we will work closely with developers and local highway authorities to support sustainable development and growth in the region.
The policy notes that all major developments or where a proposal is likely to have significant transport implications will be required to produce Travel Plans and Transport Assessments, with all other developments being required to submit a Transport Statement where appropriate. Regarding the management of travel demand, the Plan states that development proposals should minimise the need to travel by car and provide infrastructure to promote active travel.



Publication Plan April 2024

Policy NB5: Renewable and low carbon energy generation

Representation ID: 7292

Received: 24/05/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

National Highways supports the opportunities to meet net zero ambitions, and we welcome the opportunity to work with stakeholders to reduce the impact of carbon emissions on the environment. Sites will be reviewed in the context of the National Highways Net Zero Plan.National Highways also welcomes the inclusion of specific policies within the Plan to directly tackle climate change with initiatives such as NB5 – Renewable and low carbon energy generation. We appreciate the effort taken in developing these policies and consider this to be aligned with the expectations set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and National Highways’ Net Zero Strategy.



Publication Plan April 2024

Policy NB6A: Net zero new build residential development (operational energy)

Representation ID: 7293

Received: 24/05/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

National Highways supports the opportunities to meet net zero ambitions, and we welcome the opportunity to work with stakeholders to reduce the impact of carbon emissions on the environment. Sites will be reviewed in the context of the National Highways Net Zero Plan.National Highways also welcomes the inclusion of specific policies within the Plan to directly tackle climate change with initiatives such as NB6A – Net zero new build residential development (operational energy). We appreciate the effort taken in developing these policies and consider this to be aligned with the expectations set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and National Highways’ Net Zero Strategy.



Publication Plan April 2024

Policy NB6B: New build non-residential development (operational energy)

Representation ID: 7294

Received: 24/05/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

National Highways supports the opportunities to meet net zero ambitions, and we welcome the opportunity to work with stakeholders to reduce the impact of carbon emissions on the environment. Sites will be reviewed in the context of the National Highways Net Zero Plan. National Highways also welcomes the inclusion of specific policies within the Plan to directly tackle climate change with initiatives such as NB6B – New build non – residential development (Operational energy). We appreciate the effort taken in developing these policies and consider this to be aligned with the expectations set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and National Highways’ Net Zero Strategy.



Publication Plan April 2024

Policy NB6C: Embodied carbon and waste

Representation ID: 7295

Received: 24/05/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

National Highways supports the opportunities to meet net zero ambitions, and we welcome the opportunity to work with stakeholders to reduce the impact of carbon emissions on the environment. Sites will be reviewed in the context of the National Highways Net Zero Plan. National Highways also welcomes the inclusion of specific policies within the Plan to directly tackle climate change with initiatives such as NB6C – Embodied Carbon and Waste. We appreciate the effort taken in developing these policies and consider this to be aligned with the expectations set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and National Highways’ Net Zero Strategy.



Publication Plan April 2024

Policy NB7: Managing flood risk, Sustainable urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) & water quality

Representation ID: 7296

Received: 24/05/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

National Highways welcomes the inclusion of specific policies within the Plan to directly tackle climate change with initiatives such as NB7: Managing Flood risk, Sustainable drainage system & water quality. We appreciate the effort taken in developing these policies and consider this to be aligned with the expectations set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and National Highways’ Net Zero Strategy.



Publication Plan April 2024

EC12: Sustainable transport

Representation ID: 7297

Received: 24/05/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

National Highways also welcomes the inclusion of specific policies within the Plan to directly tackle climate change with initiatives such as EC – 12 Sustainable Transport, designing for active travel, electric vehicle charging and designing for green infrastructure. We appreciate the effort taken in developing these policies and consider this to be aligned with the expectations set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and National Highways’ Net Zero Strategy.


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