Publication Plan November 2022

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Publication Plan November 2022

Policy SA5: Housing Allocations

Representation ID: 4121

Received: 22/11/2022

Respondent: BSA Environmental ltd.

Agent: Advance Land & Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

Our client owns this site and fully supports the allocation of its site for housing, for the reasons stated in the Plan and the associated evidence base.

Phase 1 geo-environmental; ecological; and landscape assessments have already been undertaken, along with a feasibility layout for 10 dwellings and it is confirmed that there are no overriding constraints to prevent the early development of this modest site, which would be well suited to a small house-builder.

In the circumstances, we can confirm that this brownfield site is eminently suitable, available and capable of delivering new homes in the first part of the Plan period.

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