
Preferred Options November 2021

Representation ID: 1265

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Bloor Homes

Agent: Evolve Planning & Design

Representation Summary:

HC1 – Requiring 75% of all market housing proposals to be three bedrooms or less is overly prescriptive. Flexibility for changing market signals should be allowed.
HC2 – Density should be reflected on a site-by-site basis.
HC3 – A Stage 2 assessment will be needed having regard to the full range of infrastructure and other policy requirements.
HC4 –The 30% M4(2) requirement is excessive compared to the SHMA evidence on need for accessible and adaptable homes and means bungalows are not required.
HC11 –Object to nationally described space standards, which must be fully evidenced.
HC14/15 – Recommend engagement with the CCG and SCC Education to inform future IDPs
HC17 – To avoid blanket inappropriate provision, distances should be identified to different open space typologies (e.g. LEAPs and LAPs) to ensure provision has regard to the wider area.
HC18 – Recommend engagement with Sport England and sports bodies to refine IDP.
EC3 – Concerns such plans will fail to reflect the business models of major housebuilders and reliance on sub contracting
NB2 – Policy should only require net gain in line with government policy which is not yet in place and should reflect government exemptions.
NB3 – Emerging evidence should inform policy.
NB6 – The Council does not need to set local energy efficiency standards to achieve net zero goal because of the 2021 Part L Interim Uplift and 2025 Future Homes Standard.