Publication Plan April 2024

Ended on the 31 May 2024

Appendix I

Monitoring Framework



Relevant policies

Strategic Objective 1

(i) Unidentified Green Belt compensatory improvements adjacent to allocated sites should be in the closest proximity to the site in question.

(i) Percentage of applications with compensatory Green Belt improvements directly adjacent or in close proximity to the site.

(i) Percentage of applications with compensatory Green Belt improvements in the wider locality of the site.

(i) Percentage of applications with compensatory Green Belt improvements on land identified in the latest Nature Recovery Network Mapping or Open Space Strategy.


Strategic Objective 2

(i) Monitor the net number of housing completions.

(ii) Monitor the net quantity of employment land delivered.

(iii) Monitor the net number of Gypsy and Traveller pitches delivered.

(i) Meet an annualised requirement, and be on course towards meeting, the total housing number for the district (4,726).

(ii) Be on course towards meeting the total employment land being planned for in the district (107.4ha).

(iii) Be on course towards meeting, the total Gypsy and Traveller pitches planned for in the district (37).

(iii) Record the number of Gypsy and Traveller pitches delivered through the DtC, or through windfall permissions, that contribute towards the district's under-supply.


(i) Monitor the supply and delivery of the two strategic residential sites.

(i) Annual reporting to identify the delivery progress of each respective site.



(i) Monitor the supply and delivery of the other allocated residential sites.

(i) Annual reporting to identify the delivery progress of each respective site.


(i) Monitor the supply and delivery of the allocated Gypsy and Traveller pitches.

(i) Annual reporting to identify the delivery progress of each respective site.


(i) Monitor the supply and delivery of the allocated employment land.

(i) Annual reporting to identify the delivery progress of each respective site.


Strategic Objective 3

(i) Monitor the delivery of dwelling sizes by number of bedrooms.

(i) 70% of new market properties to have 3 bedrooms or less.

(i) Housing mixes of all residential sites should generally reflect the most up to date Housing Market Assessment.


(i) Monitor the delivery of affordable housing by type and tenure.

(i) 30% of all new dwellings on major developments to be an affordable product.

(i) 25% of affordable housing to be delivered as first homes.

(i) 50% of affordable housing to be delivered as social rent product.

(i) 25% (or the remaining units) of affordable housing to be delivered as shared ownership product.


(i) Monitor the delivery of dwellings suitable for older people and others with special housing requirements.

(ii) Monitor the delivery of homes meeting enhanced accessibility standards

(i) All major residential proposals to make a contribution to accommodation needs of older people and others with special housing requirements.

(ii) 100% of all new dwellings on major development to meet Part M4(2) of Building Regulations


(i) Monitor the delivery of self-build and custom housebuilding plots

(i) Sufficient number of plots delivered to reflect the need identified on Part 1 of the council's Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register


Strategic Objective 4

(i) Monitor the delivery of homes meeting the Nationally Described Space Standard

(i) All new dwellings to meet the nationally described space standard


Strategic Objective 5

(i) Monitor the loss of healthcare infrastructure.

(i) No healthcare infrastructure to be lost without adequate alternative provision available.


(i) Monitor the loss of education infrastructure.

(i) No education infrastructure to be lost without adequate alternative provision available.


(i) Monitor the loss of open spaces.

(ii) Monitor the quantity of open space delivered on qualifying new residential developments.

(i) No open space to be lost.

(ii) All sites delivering a minimum of 33 dwellings should be providing on site open space.


(i) Monitor the loss of sports facilities and playing pitches.

(i) No sports facilities or playing pitches to be lost.


Strategic Objective 6 & 7

(i) Monitor the location of employment land development, including the quantity developed on PDL.

(ii) Monitor the delivery of the remaining available land for employment use at the Strategic Employment Sites.

(ii) Employment land to be primarily brought forward on identified strategic and allocated employment sites. Tier 1 and Tier 2 settlements to supplement.


(i) Monitor and record the loss of employment land (by use class) to alternative uses.

(i) No losses of strategic, allocated or other identified employment land sites (as set out in Table 9).


(i) Monitor the number of planning permissions granted for employment uses (by use class) outside of defined development boundaries.

(i) Monitor only.


Strategic Objective 8,9 &10

(i) Monitor applications granted for retail use outside of defined local centres.

(i) No applications to be approved without satisfying sequential test and impact assessment


(i) Monitor the delivery and quantity of EV charging points on all new developments.

(ii) Monitor the provision of offsite contributions towards infrastructure

(i) 20% of available parking spaces on major residential accommodation (other than houses and residential apartments), and commercial development to be fitted with minimum 7kW charge point. A further 20% of parking spaces to be fitted with power supply for future conversion.

(ii) Monitor financial contributions received for infrastructure provision including education, highways, health and sports facilities.


Strategic Objective 11

(i) Record the Biodiversity Net Gain improvements by percentage.

(i) All developments to meet a minimum of 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.


Strategic Objective 12

(i) Record the quantity and type of low carbon / renewable energy generation schemes in the district.

(i) Monitor only.


(i) Monitor the operational carbon reduction percentage achieved on residential developments and BREEAM compliance on major non-residential development.

(ii) Monitor the amount of lifecycle carbon emissions on schemes of 50 dwellings or 5,000 sqm or more.

(iii) Post occupancy evaluation on schemes of over 50 homes and non-residential developments of 5,000m2 floorspace or more.

(i) All residential development to achieve a minimum 63% reduction on the Part L 2021 TER (regulated carbon emissions) through energy efficiency features.

(i) All major non-residential development to achieve BREEAM 'Excellent' or better.

(i) Non residential development to achieve 15% improvement on Part L 2021 TER through energy efficiency features

(ii) 100% of schemes of 50 dwellings or more or 5,000 sqm or more to deliver a whole lifecycle carbon assessment using RICs Whole Life Carbon Assessment Guidance and limit embodied carbon to 550 kgCO2/m2 GIA.

(iii) Monitor only




Strategic Objective 13

(i) Record annually the number of listed buildings on Historic England's buildings at risk register

(i) Monitor only.


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