Preferred Options November 2021

Ended on the 13 December 2021

7. Next Steps


7.1 Following the close of the Preferred Options consultation, all responses will be considered and summarised to inform the preparation of the Publication Plan which we will aim to consult on in summer 2022. The Publication Plan will be the final draft plan that we consult on before submitting the Local Plan for examination, and at that stage comments should relate to the 'soundness' of the plan.

7.2 Prior to the Publication stage, it will be considered if any amendments to our proposals are required following consideration of responses to this consultation. Further work will be undertaken with infrastructure providers on what infrastructure is necessary to support the proposed developments as well as a further assessment of the viability of the plans proposals. Of particular importance will be work with Staffordshire County Council Highways and Highways England to utilise highways modelling to consider the impact of proposed strategic developments on the network, and then working with site promoters to ascertain what mitigation measures will be necessary.

7.3 It will also be necessary to start to draft Statements of Common Ground with neighbouring authorities in order to formally agree contributions to unmet needs along with agreements to cover cross boundary infrastructure delivery. In addition, draft Statements of Common Ground with the promoters of preferred sites will need to be drafted following this consultation to confirm what the site is required to deliver, and that the site promoters are willing to deliver a policy compliant scheme.

7.4 To stay up to date with progress on the Local Plan please register with our online consultation system here:




For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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