Preferred Options November 2021

Ended on the 13 December 2021

Appendix G

Full list of consultation questions


Chapter 3

Question 1:

Do you agree that the evidence base set out in Appendix A is appropriate to inform the new Local Plan? Yes/No

Please provide comments on the content or use of the evidence base set out in Appendix A, referencing the document you are referring to.

Question 2:

(a) Do you agree that the correct infrastructure to be delivered alongside proposed site allocations been identified in the IDP? Yes/No

(b) Is there any other infrastructure not covered in this consultation document or the IDP that the Local Plan should seek to deliver? Yes/No

Question 3:

a) Have the correct vision and strategic objectives been identified? Yes/No

b) Do you agree that the draft policies (Chapters 4 and 5) and the policy directions (Chapter 6) will deliver these objectives? Yes/No


Chapter 4

Question 4:

Do you support the policy approach in Policy DS1 – Green Belt and Policy DS2 – Open Countryside? Yes/No

If no, please explain how these policies should be amended?

Question 5:

Do you support the policy approach in Policy DS3 – The Spatial Strategy to 2038? Yes/No

If no, please explain how this policy should be amended?

Question 6:

Do you support the policy approach in and Policy DS4 – Longer Term Growth Aspirations for a New Settlement? Yes/No

If no, please explain how this policy should be amended?


Chapter 5

Question 7:

a) Do you support the proposed strategic housing allocations in policies SA1-SA4? Yes/No

If no, please explain your reasons for this.

b) Do you agree that given the scale of the 4 sites detailed in policies SA1-SA4, these warrant their own policy to set the vision for the site, alongside a requirement for a detailed masterplan and design code? Yes/No

Question 8:

Do you support the proposed housing allocations in Policy SA5? Yes/No

Please reference the site reference number (e.g site 582) for the site you are commenting on in your response.

Question 9:

A) Do you support the proposed pitch allocations in Policy SA6? Yes/No

Please reference the site reference number (e.g SS001) for the site you are commenting on in your response.

B) Is there another option for meeting our gypsy and traveller needs, including any alternative site suggestions that could be considered? Yes/No

Please provide details, including a plan for new site suggestions

Question 10:

Do you support the proposed allocation in Policy SA7? Yes/No


Chapter 6

Question 11:

Do you agree with the proposed policy approaches set out in Chapter 6? Yes/No

If no, then please provide details setting out what changes are needed, referencing the Policy Reference number (e.g HC1 - Housing Mix).

Question 12:

a) It is proposed that the fully drafted policies in this document (Policies DS1-DS4 and SA1-SA7) are all strategic policies required by paragraph 21 of the NPPF. Do you agree these are strategic policies? Yes/No

b) Are there any other proposed policies in Chapter 6 that you consider should be identified as strategic policies? Yes/No

If yes, then please provide details including the Policy Reference (e.g HC1 – Housing Mix)





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