Preferred Options November 2021

Ended on the 13 December 2021

Appendix A

Evidence Base Studies



Housing and Homelessness Strategy

Adopted 2018

Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire LEP Strategic Economic Plan (SEP)

Published April 2018

Economic Development Needs Assessment

(Stage 1)

Published 2018

Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA)

Initial HRA published 2018. Subsequent updates to the HRA published alongside each Local Plan consultation document

Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)

Initial IDP published 2018. Subsequent updates to the IDP to be published alongside each Local Plan consultation document

Rural Services and Facilities Audit

Published 2018 and updated in 2019 and again in 2021

Sustainability Appraisal (SA) including Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

Scoping Report and Initial SA published 2018. Subsequent updates to the SA published alongside each Local Plan consultation document

Black Country and South Staffordshire Green Belt Study and Landscape Sensitivity Study

Published 2019

South Staffordshire Nature Recovery Network Mapping

Published 2020

Staffordshire Climate Change and Adaptation and Mitigation Study

Published 2020

Historic Environment Site Assessment – Stage 1 report

Published 2020

Indoor Sports Needs Assessment and Strategy

Published 2020

Playing Pitch Needs Assessment and Strategy

Published 2020

Open Space Assessment and Standards Paper

Published 2020

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2019

Published 2020

Water Cycle Study 2020

Published 2021

West Midlands Strategic Rail Freight Interchange – Employment Issues Response Paper – Labour Supply

Published 2021

Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2021

Published 2021

Pitch Deliverability Study 2021

Published 2021

Retail Centres Study 2021

Published 2021

Local Plan Viability Study – part 1

Published 2021

Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) 2021

Published 2021

Specialist Housing: Local Need and Site Allocations Topic Paper 2021

Published 2021

Local Green Spaces Topic Paper 2021

Published 2021

Employment Sites: Site Assessment Topic Paper 2021

Published 2021

Housing Site Selection Topic Paper 2021

Published 2021

Duty to Cooperate Topic Paper

Published 2021

Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Evidence Base Studies (including review of mitigation measures and visitor survey)


Historic Environment Site Assessment- Stage 2 report


Transport Impacts (with Staffordshire County Council)


Local Plan Viability Study – part 2



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