Publication Plan November 2022

Ended on the 23 December 2022

Appendix A

Key evidence base and topic papers


  • Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2018-2022 (2018)
  • Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market Area Strategic Growth Study (2018)
  • Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment
  • Housing Market Assessment - Update (2022)
  • Housing Site Selection Topic Paper (2022)
  • Homes for Older and Disabled People Topic Paper (2022)
  • Housing Density Topic Paper (2022)
  • Affordable Housing and Housing Mix Topic Paper (2022)
  • Internal Space Standards Topic Paper (2022)
  • Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (2021)
  • Gypsy and Travellers: Pitch Deliverability Study (2021)
  • Gypsies, travellers and travelling showpeople Topic Paper (2022)


  • Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire LEP Strategic Economic Plan (2018)
  • Economic Development Needs Assessment (2022)
  • EDNA Part 2; Economic Land Availability Assessment (2020)
  • West Midlands Strategic Rail Freight Interchange – Employment Issues Response Paper – Labour Supply (2020)
  • West Midlands Strategic Rail Freight Interchange – Employment Issues Response Paper - Whose need will the SRFI serve? (2021)
  • West Midlands Strategic Employment Sites Study (2021)
  • Economic Strategy and Employment Site Assessment Topic Paper
  • Retail Centres Study (2021)


  • Sustainability Appraisal
  • Rural Services and Facilities Audit (2021)
  • Habitats Regulation Assessment (2022)
  • Black Country and South Staffordshire Green Belt Study (2019)
  • South Staffordshire Green Belt Study Addendum (2022)
  • Green Belt Exceptional Circumstances Topic Paper (2022)
  • Black Country and South Staffordshire Landscape Sensitivity Study (2019)
  • South Staffordshire Landscape Sensitivity Study Addendum (2022)
  • Staffordshire Climate Change and Adaptation and Mitigation Study (2020)
  • Climate Change Topic Paper (2022)
  • South Staffordshire Nature Recovery Network Mapping (2020)
  • Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Level 1 (2019)
  • Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Level 2 (2022)
  • Water Cycle Study (2020)

Historic Environment

  • Historic Environment Site Assessment – stage 1 (2020)
  • Historic Environment Site Assessment – stage 2 (2022)


  • Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)
  • Open Space Assessment and Standards Paper (2019)
  • Local Green Spaces Topic Paper (2022)
  • Indoor Sports Needs Assessment and Strategy (2020)
  • Playing Pitch Needs Assessment and Strategy (2020)
  • Playing Pitch Requirements Topic Paper (2022)
  • Local Plan Viability Study – stage 1 report (2021)
  • Local Plan Viability Study – stage 2 report (2022)
  • Strategic Transport Assessment (2022) – prepared by site promoters of strategic sites
  • Staffordshire County Council representation to Preferred Options consultation (2021) (includes highways modelling evidence)
  • Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan 2021-2031
  • Staffordshire Bus Service Improvement Plan (2021)
  • South Staffordshire Integrated Transport Strategy (2017)
  • Cycle Infrastructure Design (LTN1/20)

Duty to Cooperate

  • Duty to Cooperate Topic Paper (2022)
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